Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865)

Led the country through the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which began the process of abolishing slavery.

Theodore Roosevelt  (1901–1909)

Known for his progressive policies, including trust-busting, conservation, and the establishment of national parks.

Richard Nixon  (1969–1974)

Known for opening diplomatic relations with China, initiating détente with the Soviet Union, and the Watergate scandal, which led to his resignation.

Gerald Ford  (1974–1977)

 Took office after Nixon’s resignation and worked to restore trust in the presidency, though he faced economic challenges.

Ronald Reagan  (1981–1989)

Advocated for supply-side economics, increased defense spending, and is credited with helping to end the Cold War.

George W. Bush  (2001–2009

Responded to the 9/11 attacks, initiated the War on Terror, and passed significant tax cuts.

Donald Trump  (2017–2021)

Known for his "America First" policies, he restructured trade deals, implemented tax reforms, and appointed three Supreme Court justices.