Sleep has been greatest Pleasure of human being.Person who belongs to this type of Mindset loves to sleep all day and never understand the joy of being awake in the world.A mindset that seeks Pleasure will usually find an excuse to sleep for more and being tired to do anything
Pleasure seeking Mindset usually indulge in sexual pleasure and fantasies. They degrade their quality of life when this never ending desire gives them suffering. More they search,More they Feel empty within.
We All need food for fuel but when tasty food becomes our lust it starts destroying our quality as human being.Fact is Unhealthy Food leads to Unhealthy Body and Mind. Pleasure seeking Mindset will often goes in the direction of unhealthy foods and seek pleasure in it.
People who belongs to This Type of Mindset will always dreams. They never try to make their dreams into reality. They have always fear, doubt and low confidence to work on their ideas. Usually They never trust on themselves.
Pleasure seeking Mind get addicted to anything Easily.Their Mind Always goes in the direction of Smoking, gaming, Porn and drugs to seek Pleasure. Once it start harming them inwardly it becomes too late for them to bring change in their life.
Person living with Pleasure Seeking Mindset Always loves to talk. They are good talkers but they never act on something for good. They have answer for everything and suggestions for everyone but not for their own misery.
A Person who is living with hate in their mind never understand the beauty of Love. They will be always busy in hate ,jealousy and envy. Pleasure seeking mindset People will always waste their energy in these directions.