“Let a Man go down as low as possible; there must come a time when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward curve and will learn to have faith in himself but it is better for us that we should know it from the very first. Why should we have fall these bitter experiences in order to gain faith in ourselves”- SWAMI VIVEKANANDA1
Our Mind has infinite energy to create our imagination into reality but for a long period of time we remain attached to many objects in our life.The flow of creative energy in our mind goes in the same direction repetitively until we become entirely trapped. why do we always wake up when there is an urgency for change?why don’t we embrace the change as natural part of our life?Energy of Our Mind always goes in the wrong way that create a chaos in our life.Sometimes it’s too late to wake up from all those fake dreams that we create in our life.
In this article Positive Turtle provides you “7 Energy Centres of mind in which Our creative energy flows”.I will also provide you self enquiry questions and tips and strategies to channel our energy to create Re-Order in all our life”.Let’s read and understand together.

Don’t lie aren’t we lazy?Actually we don’t want to accept things as it is so we search escapes to avoid the facts.Once we accept that we are lazy then change happens.At least then something begin in our heart and mind. Yes we want to do exercise but not today.It’s like we are waiting for doctor to suggest “Sir Please do some exercises” or “Move your belly Sometime”. Why can’t we realise it by our own that movement in the body is necessary for proper energy flow in all the Parts of our body.
Self enquiry Questions-
- Can I do 15 minutes exercise daily?
- How can I improve my health?
- Do I really love and care for my body?
Tips and strategy-
- Do it Anytime but be consistent.
- Start with a small task. Like you have to make your legs stronger or you have to reduce your belly fat.
- Understand one exercise and master it. Master Kapal Bhati Pranayam or Master Squats. Choose yours.
Lust has no end and more we imagine the lustful thoughts more we will create a trap for ourself.Sex is good for health but doing sex in the mind all the time is not good Sir. How much energy do we dissipate in thinking about sex?All the energy of our mind goes in the direction of lust for long period of time Until we become old.Understand Your Emotions Sir. No one can enter into your mind and rewire it.You must change the direction of your energy for a better life.
Self enquiry question
- Why do I imagine about sex all day?
- Why am I wasting so much energy in thinking about sex?
- Do I have any other topics to think about?
Tips and strategies
- Aren’t you bored with porn? Quit porn addiction
- Isn’t Masturbation childish thing?Quit Masturbation
- Weak functioning of reproductive system in the body will eventually lead to weaker mind.
Food is our basic need to survive but taste is Just another lust of mind.More you crave for it less we will be satisfied in other aspects of life.Craving is disease.Healthy foods may have not that much taste but it is beneficial for body. we love tasty foods.Aren’t we? In India there is an old saying “Jaisa hoga Ann Waisa hoga man” Simply means “Food that we eat create the state of our mind”.How do you feel when you overeat?How do you feel when you don’t eat?How do you feel when you eat in right amount?Can we Put Question mark on us?
Self enquiry question
- Before eating anything you must ask is this healthy food for me?
- What are my daily food habits?
- How can I improve my food habits for healthy living?
Tips and strategies
- Let’s Eat slowly friends.
- Let’s Make our digestion strong.
- Never forget to drink enough water.

If all the energy of our mind going in the direction of hate, jealousy, anger or in revenge.How can you imagine that your emotional health will be okay. You must change the direction of your mind to love, kindness and compassion.Will it not be healthy living style?Love your work,Respects other emotions and try to be present in the moment my friend.
Self enquiry question
- Am I taking everything Personally?
- Why can’t I understand my emotions?
- Can I let go my hurts?
Tips and strategy
- Nature Loves you. Go for a walk.
- Music cares for you.Listen something. Listen”bob Dylan2 “like a rolling stone”. You may prefer your own choice.
- You love yourself brother. Love yourself.
People will only hear what they want to hear but Why do we always feel you can solve everything by saying?You must remember Sometimes silence is answer for everything.You must understand listening is a greatest human skill ever.More you speak less valuable your words will be and the less you speak, More powerful your words will be.Avoid saying harsh words to others. Avoid unnecessary gossips.
Self enquiry question
- Am I expressing myself completely?
- Do I listen others attentively?
- How can I improve my communication?
Tips and strategy
- Avoid instant reactions.
- Mind your own business.
- Learn only Five new words daily.Can we?
We daily waste our enormous amount of energy in thinking.What do we think actually most of the time?Can we be aware?All the basis of our thinking is Past. We continuously analyse the experiences that has been happened in the past until we finally realise that thinking is not going to help us. Actually we don’t know how gradually thinking becomes overthinking. Mind will always chatter until we give our thinking a valid purpose for change. Can we give our thinking a direction?Let’s Think about change in our daily life.Think about improving daily in everything we do.Think about learning some skills. I mean Thinking and action must go together.Always Remember Now is the best time to act.
Manifest Your infinite Wealth Now
Self enquiry question
- Am I aware about my thinking?
- What are those topics which I think mostly?
- Which is better only thinking or taking action?
Tips and strategy
- Be attentive what your minds wants to tell you.
- Be Meditative in every action you do.
- Nature has all the answers for thinking mind.Let’s go for a walk.
What the hell this Peace means? There is a long history of man’s search for peace.Why don’t we get peace?why our mind always make us bitter? It is because we are searching for peace.we are desiring for peace. We don’t question ourselves What does this peace means to us? That’s why we escape in different direction for our desired peace.Some people get it through drugs and some people get it through sex. why don’t we understand Peace? Peace will only come when there is an order in life.There will be balance between work and life.We must understand Peace will come naturally through understanding all the movements of mind. When we end all search for peace then it will arrive in our life.
Self enquiry question
- What does this peace means to me?
- What disturbs me and make me sad always?
- Why can’t I have order in my daily living?
Tips and Strategy
- Accept everything just the way it is.
- Watch your actions.
- Face the reality and challenge yourself for a change.
Dear Readers these were the “7 Direction in which all the creative energy of human mind goes”. We must understand these 7 energy centres for ourselves in the body. How can I change the direction of energy to make this life better not bitter. Who will do it for us.We must take our responsibility .No one is coming to save us. There must be an urgency for change.We can do it.We alone can do it.Wake up.
This May help You
- Swami Vivekanand is great indian monk who has been well known for his teachings of vedanta philosophy to the modern world ↩︎
- Bob Dylan is American song writer and the “like a rolling stone”one of his Popular song.He received Nobel award in literature for his new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. ↩︎
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